Z ognjem in mečem, protiturška obramba na današnjem koroškem ozemlju – Mednarodni arheološki simpozij – Muzej Slovenj Gradec

Koroški pokrajinski muzej vas v četrtek, 22. septembra 2022, ob 9.30 vabi v Muzej Slovenj Gradec, na Glavni trg 24, na Mednarodni arheološki simpozij z naslovom Z ognjem in mečem, protiturška obramba na današnjem koroškem ozemlju.

Koroški pokrajinski muzej v sodelovanju z ZVKDS in MO Slovenj Gradec organizira ob bližajoči se 550. obletnici prvega turškega vpada na Koroško Mednarodni arheološki simpozij.

Gostujoči predavatelji bodo govorili o razmerah na Štajerskem, Koroškem in Kranjskem v drugi polovici 15. in v 16. stoletju, največ prispevkov pa se nanaša na območje Mežiške, Mislinjske in Dravske doline.

Ugotovili smo, da so, kljub številnim in pogostim turškim vpadom, o katerih pišejo zgodovinski viri, arheološke najdbe, vezane na tujo vojsko, odsotne ali še neprepoznane. Maloštevilne rekonstrukcije objektov iz tega časa, kot primeri dobrih praks v Sloveniji in tujini, nam bodo v spodbudo, da tudi pri nas predstavimo Turške šance na Preškem vrhu pri Kotljah z arheološkim parkom.


VABILO pdf – kpm_z_ognjem_in mecem 


With fire and sword, anti-Turkish defence in present-day Carinthia – International Archaeological Symposium – Museum Slovenj Gradec

On Thursday, 22 September 2022, at 9.30 a.m., the Carinthian Regional Museum invites you to the Slovenj Gradec Museum, Glavni trg 24, for the International Archaeological Symposium entitled With Fire and Sword, Anti-Turkish Defence in the Present-day Carinthian Territory.


The Carinthian Provincial Museum, in cooperation with the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia and the Slovenj Gradec Municipality, is organizing an International Archaeological Symposium on the occasion of the approaching 550th anniversary of the first Turkish invasion of Carinthia.

Guest lecturers will speak about the situation in Styria, Carinthia and Carniola in the second half of the 15th and 16th centuries, with most of the contributions focusing on the Mežica, Mislinja and Drava valleys.

We have found that, despite the numerous and frequent Turkish invasions recorded in historical sources, archaeological finds related to foreign armies are absent or unrecognised. The few reconstructions of buildings from this period, as examples of good practice in Slovenia and abroad, will be an incentive for us to present the Turške šance at Preški vrh near Kotlje with its archaeological park.




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